Monday, October 15, 2018

salah 1 pendiri microsoft wafat

* english version look at half below (scroll down)

salah 1 pendiri microsoft wafat

Turut Berduka..Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun...

Hampir pasti (atau pasti) anda pernah/sering pakai &/ masih pakai produk2 di atas, entah selama belasan/puluhan tahun.
Ya.. semua produk2 di atas adalah buatan Microsoft. Banyak yg tahu Bill Gates, namun jarang yg pernah dengar Paul Allen. Paul adalah orang terkaya nomor 45an di dunia. Teman Bill Gates sejak kecil, bersama Bill mendirikan Microsoft di era 80an dan menjadi perusahaan raksasa 5 10 thn kmudian. Siapa yg tak kenal Windows dan Office?
                compiled by
konon sampai skrg pun ratusan juta,/milyaran PC (8-9 diantara 10 PC)  di dunia pakai Windows. 
Paul wafat kemarin2 tgl 15 Okt 2018, di umur 65 thn, ketika menderita komplikasi penyakit Limfoma Non Hodgkin, salah satu jenis limfoma, yaitu kanker yang menyerang kelenjar getah bening. Selain Microsoft dll, ia juga berkecimpung di dunia bisnis dirgantara, termasuk bisnis pembuatan dan operasional "pesawat wisata luar angkasa" yg pertama di dunia. 
*foto Paul Allen terlihat di sebelah kanan tengah


billions of people must at least used, &/ are still using Windows, Office (created by Microsoft), originals and illegal pirated versions, since 1980s 90s 2000 up to now.
Microsoft Co Founder, Bill Gates's friend since childhood, Paul Allen, deceased at 65 on Oct 15, 2018 while/after fighting his cancer disease, complications of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Ranked in around number 45 of the richest person in the world, not only he was active in Microsoft and other companies, but also in the business of manufacturing and operating the spaceplane for the world's first commercial space trip travel company, the world's first commercial space trip travel available for the public.  compiled by
His photo at the center left (above).

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